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What's out there? Please just ask me.
Hi my name is ritchie, i live near watford, england, i am looking ... I am persian, and have spent most of my life in the uk. I have a musical flair, and love different types of music. I love culture, and all of the beauty that cultures have to offer, all the colours, smells and sounds. I enjoy subtle things in life, and hate cities and noisy traffic, as i l ...
Godly woman for marriage Hi, i am a born again christian, from a christian family of upper middle class type from chennai. I am passionate about my faith in god & expect the same from the partner and i hold bachelors degree in nursing, masters in toxicology and ph. D in the same discipine. <br /><br / ...
I'm basically a straightforward no nonsense kind of guy. If you are in nigeria, do not write to me and do not send me a "smile! " because i will never send any woman (or anyone) i have never met in person any money ever! I've already been through this too many times to count since late december 2009, so don't waste either of our time! ...
First off... My name is not topsy and i have no idea where that c ... My life is god's! Everything i have is his. My life is his... My business is his and someday my family will also be his! I have never been married and never lived with anyone either... Don't believe in it... What kind of example does that set for others.... Especially your children? I am l ...